My rating: 5 of 5 stars
One of the greatest joys in reading comes when you read a book that is truly original and you know when you read it is a special book. This is the one. The book you will read and tell all your friends they have to read. This is the one they will be making into a movie in the next few months and everyone will be be clamoring to see. Luckily, this author is also the one writing the screenplay, so let's hope they can do some justice to the book with the movie. But, as a librarian, I can only say, the book is almost always better than the movie.
This is the kind of science fiction tale that can be read by anyone. It is action, adventure, romance, family, science, futuristic, improbable, everything wrapped up together. Maybe scifi readers have read a book like this, but I have not and I can just say - Wow!
Our lives are a series of choices we make - hundreds per day, thousands that truly make a difference in the direction our lives take. But, what if we had taken the path not chosen? A theory of multi-universes believes these alternate lives are being lived in another dimension. What if someone found a way to move within these multi-verses?
Jason Dessen physics professor and a man who could have been a great scientist is kidnapped. He wonders if he will ever see his wife and son again. He has good reason to question this - the life he was living has been taken by a Jason Dessen 2 who chose the path to become a great scientist and has found a way to move within these dimensions. He has dumped Jason 1 in his own world.
This story is too complex and too unusual to explain much more - it will only spoil it for you. But, the story is so fast-paced and full of surprises, you will find yourself questioning everything. When I read a book that causes me to think about identity, life choices, family, love, etc. it is a book I want to share with others. I loved Dark Matters and I can't recommend it highly enough. Very unusual and quite a ride.
I obtained a free advance readers copy with the understanding I would write an honest review.
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